Am I at Risk of Getting a Sinus Infection This Winter?

The likelihood of getting a sinus infection is much higher during the winter than it is during any other season. Because of this, it’s important to be aware of their signs and symptoms.

Our AFC Urgent Care Boulder team highlights what you need to know about sinus infections below, so read on!

What Are Sinus Infections?

A sinus infection is an inflammation of the tissue that lines the sinuses, which are the four paired cavities (spaces) in the head that are connected by narrow channels.

When sinuses are healthy, they’re filled with air, they trap harmful particles and they filter them out through the nose. When they become blocked and filled with fluid, though, germs can grow and cause an infection. Viruses cause most sinus infections, but bacteria and some allergens can also cause sinus infections. We’ve listed the common symptoms below.

Common Sinus Infection Symptoms

  • Postnasal drip
  • Discolored nasal discharge (greenish in color)
  • Nasal stuffiness or congestion
  • Tenderness of the face (particularly under the eyes or at the bridge of the nose)
  • Frontal headaches
  • Pain in the teeth
  • Coughing
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Bad breath

Who Has a Higher Risk of Getting a Sinus Infection?

Like we said earlier, the risk of getting a sinus infection generally elevates during the winter, which is prime flu season. Sinus infections are common during virus season due to many sinus infection cases being caused by viruses.

Sinus infections caused by viruses are contagious, so it’s important to exercise proper hygiene like frequent hand-washing and sanitizing to lower your risk of getting sick. If you do happen to get sick, though, we’ve listed some effective ways to feel better below.

Ways to Treat a Sinus Infection

  • Drink plenty of water. This will help flush out your system.
  • Hydrate your sinuses. Turning on a humidifier or inhaling steam can help relieve sinus pressure.
  • Ease facial pain with warm compresses. Applying moist, warm heat may help soothe sinus pain.
  • Use OTC decongestants. Medications such as Sudafed may relieve sinusitis symptoms by narrowing the blood vessels. If you have high blood pressure, though, consult with your doctor or pharmacist first.

Have further questions about sinus infections? If so, don’t hesitate to contact our AFC Urgent Care Boulder team today!