Can Muscle Knots Be Fixed Quickly?

Dealing with the aches and pains of life can be frustrating, but it is quite a normal experience to have. We have all suffered from some sort of injury or ache in our lifetimes, but thankfully, many of these instances are minor and don’t require emergency medical attention.

Have you ever had a muscle knot before? If so, you know how annoying (and painful) they can be! Muscle knots can appear after a workout or after something simple as sitting at your desk for too long.

Our AFC Urgent Care Boulder team explains more about muscle knots and what to do about them, so read on to help yourself find some relief.

Why Do Muscle Knots Form?

Anyone can experience a muscle knot, and it is not indicative of how active you are. Muscle knots form when a muscle of yours has been irritated by a repetitive motion or static position for too long. For example, if you go on a really long run and fail to stretch properly afterward or if you sit with your shoulders hunched at work all day, your muscles can become clenched or tightened under the strain. Your muscle fibers will get really tight, and that can result in a knot.

Muscle knots can form virtually anywhere in the body, but they appear most often in the places that we hold a lot of our tension, like in our backs, necks and shoulders. They can range in size from small, pea-sized nodules to large areas of muscle tissue and can range in pain from mild discomfort to pain so intense that you don’t have full range of motion in the affected area.

Common Causes for Muscle Discomfort

  • Poor posture
  • Chronic muscle overuse, like from intense exercise
  • Injury
  • Sedentary lifestyles

How Do You Fix Muscle Knots?

The good news is that muscle knots can usually be remedied with a little TLC and a changeup from whatever caused the knot to form in the first place. The first step we suggest is to stay hydrated. This may seem simple and unconnected to your muscles, but that could not be further from the truth! Your muscles need water in order to function smoothly and to facilitate proper movement, so drinking enough water will support a healthier blood flow to the injured muscle.

You should also take a break from whatever caused the muscle to form. If you are recovering from an intense workout, try changing up how you exercise to give your muscles a break and doing some yoga or simple stretching for a while. If you get chronic muscle knots in your back or shoulders during your workday, do your best to get up from your desk and get some movement. Stretch it out, go for a walk or spend some time at your standup desk instead. Of course, you can also gently massage the area or apply cold/hot compresses to help ease the pain. Just be sure you are limiting these actions so you don’t cause further injury to yourself.

Taking Care of Your Muscles Over Time

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Stretch regularly and take frequent desk breaks.
  • Exercise often.
  • Treat injuries properly.

Dealing with chronic pain? Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Boulder.