Does My Child Need a Sports Physical Before Beginning Fall Sports?

Yes, your student-athlete will need to get a sports physical before he or she can begin playing sports this school year! But why?

In addition to sports physicals being required by the CHSAA (Colorado High School Activities Association), sports physicals are necessary for many reasons. Our AFC Urgent Care Boulder team provides further explanation below, so keep reading!

Why Does My Child Need a Sports Physical?

Sports physicals are necessary because they can help you find out about and deal with health problems that might interfere with your child’s participation in a sport.

If your child has a past injury, poor heart health or allergies, sports may not be the right call for your aspiring student-athlete. To evaluate your child’s health, your healthcare provider will ask about your child’s past medical history and perform a physical exam. We’ve listed the order of a sports physical below.

Typical Components of a Sports Physical

  • Height and weight will be recorded.
  • The doctor will take note of blood pressure and heart rates.
  • A simple vision test will be performed on your child.
  • Primary and sensory organs will be evaluated, such as the lungs, ears, nose and throat.
  • Lastly, your child’s joints, overall strength, flexibility and posture will be checked.

When Should My Athlete Get a Sports Physical?

Most schools require a sports physical to be done before your athlete starts his or her specific sport.

If you aren’t sure what a common sports physical consists of, we’ve listed the information your doctor will likely want to know about your student-athlete below.

What a Common Sports Physical Entails

  • Serious illnesses among family members
  • Illnesses that your child may have now, such as asthma, diabetes or epilepsy
  • Allergies
  • Past injuries, including concussions, sprains or bone fractures
  • Whether your child ever passed out, felt dizzy, had chest pain or had trouble breathing during exercise
  • Any medications your child is on, including over-the-counter medications, herbal supplements and prescription medications
  • Height and weight
  • Strength of your child’s heart, lungs, abdomen, ears, nose and throat
  • Your child’s posture, joints, strength and flexibility

If your child has yet to get his or her sports physical, don’t wait to stop by our AFC Urgent Care Boulder center!