How Do I Know If I Have the Flu?

We are sorry that you are searching this right now! Getting sick at this time of year is always inconvenient. Whether you have a big deadline coming up at work, have midterm tests looming around the corner or have a fun event on the horizon, seeking relief from your symptoms is always a top priority.

The flu is a common illness during the fall and winter months, and cases have been rising around us already. If you are feeling sick and wondering why, a quick visit to our center can help!

Our AFC Urgent Care Boulder team can run a rapid test on you to diagnose a variety of illnesses like strep, RSV, the flu and COVID-19.

Is It Common to Get Really Sick From the Flu?

Influenza often hits hard if you come down with the infection. One minute you will be feeling fine and the next you will start to feel achy, your nose may start to run and that dreaded scratchy throat may start to appear. While all of these symptoms are nuisances, most flu cases tend to stay mild to moderate and don’t become medical emergencies.

In any case, staying home and getting plenty of rest is key to a full recovery. Your body will be working really hard to fight off the virus, so you need to do everything you can to support this process. Get a lot of sleep, take some OTC medication to reduce your symptom severity and drink plenty of fluids.

Common Flu Symptoms of the Season

  • Fever
  • Runny nose/congestion
  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Muscle or body aches

Can I Recover Faster From the Flu?

There is no quick fix for viral infections, unfortunately. Since they just have to run their course, laying low and taking care of your body will be the most reliable way to recover. The good news is that most people start to feel better after a couple of days and most people fully recover after a week!

Even though there is no fast treatment for the flu, getting an accurate diagnosis is important. COVID-19, strep, the flu and RSV all share similar symptoms, but they all need to be addressed differently. Knowing what you have can help our entire community reduce transmission and caseloads. Come see us for a rapid test any day of the week.

Tips for a Faster Flu Recovery

  • Stick to water or electrolyte-replacement drinks.
  • Eat meals that are easy to digest.
  • Take it easy and get quality sleep.
  • Stay home while you are symptomatic.

If you are wondering if you have the flu, come see us at AFC Urgent Care Boulder.