Is It a Problem if My Child Snores?

Getting your child to sleep can sometimes feel like a marathon! But what if you start to hear snoring? Does that indicate an issue that needs to be addressed?

Snoring happens in one in 10 children, so while it isn’t incredibly common, it does still happen. The sound of snoring doesn’t necessarily require an immediate wakeup, but it is important to keep an eye on it as it may indicate an emerging sleep disorder.

Our team at AFC Urgent Care Boulder explains the relationship between children and snoring below, so read on.

What Is Causing My Child to Snore?

The sound of snoring is the result of vibration of excess tissue in the throat. As your child breathes, air has to work harder to get through his or her throat passage and that can lead to that vibrating or rattling sound. The excess tissue is often caused by enlarged tonsils or adenoids. It is also more common for children who are overweight or those who experience asthma to snore from time to time as well.

If your child’s snoring is starting to become a nightly issue, it may indicate a disorder called sleep apnea. This is where your child’s breathing becomes affected, and it can actually cause periods of time where your child doesn’t breathe at all!

Symptoms Associated With Sleep Apnea in Children

  • Snoring loudly often
  • Sleeping with his or her mouth open
  • Gasping or choking
  • Snoring all night long

Are Some Children More Susceptible to Sleep Apnea?

Children who were born prematurely are at a slightly higher risk of a sleep disorder if they live with any developmental delays. Children who have Down syndrome, a cleft palate or a neuromuscular disorder are also more likely to snore.

However, any child can develop a sleep disorder! If you are starting to notice a more noticeable pattern at night, it may be helpful to track it with a sleep journal. If you know that your child isn’t suffering from an asthma flareup or allergy symptoms, it may be helpful to investigate further with the help of a medical professional.

Promoting a Healthy Sleep Environment

  • Encourage side sleeping instead of back sleeping.
  • Elevate your child’s head with an extra pillow.
  • Clean pillows and sheets often.
  • Place an air purifier in his or her room.

Your child needs quality sleep to grow healthy and strong! If you are concerned with your child’s snoring, come see us at AFC Urgent Care Boulder.