Is It Important to Have Good Posture?

It actually is! It can be easy to only think about good posture in terms of a petty request made by your parents or grandparents, but practicing good posture is actually great for your health.

Our AFC Urgent Care Boulder team explains why below, so keep reading!

What Is Good Posture?

Good posture is the proper alignment of your body when standing or sitting. Correct positioning involves training yourself to hold your body against gravity with the least strain and tension on supportive structures, such as your muscles and ligaments.

Proper posture keeps your bones and joints in optimal alignment and decreases wear and tear on supportive structures. When you’re sitting, your feet should rest flat on the floor with even weight on both hips, your back should be mostly straight, your shoulders should be back but relaxed, and your ears should line up over your collarbones. When standing, your legs should have a slight knee bend so you’re not hyperextending or locking your knee joints. Practicing good posture certainly isn’t natural for most of us, but letting it fall by the wayside can cause some or all of the below-mentioned negative effects!

Negative Effects of Poor Posture

  • Can cause misalignment of your musculoskeletal system
  • Can wear away at your spine, making it more fragile and prone to injury
  • Can cause neck, shoulder, and back pain
  • Can decrease your flexibility
  • Can make it harder to breathe

Can I Fix My Posture?

You can, but it will likely just take lots of practice and self-reminders! If you have a habit of slumping and slouching, it could take up to around 10 weeks of reminding yourself to maintain good posture before it becomes a new, better habit.

We’ve listed some reasons maintaining good posture is such a great habit below!

Benefits of Maintaining Proper Posture

  • Reduced low back pain
  • Fewer headaches
  • Increased energy levels
  • Less tension in your shoulders and neck
  • Increased lung capacity

Do you have any posture-related or other general medical questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to our AFC Urgent Care Boulder team today! We’re here for you now and always.