What Are Some Tips for Making Solid New Year’s Resolutions?

A new year could very well mean a new you! The start of a brand new year and 365 days of new opportunities can be motivating for all of us.

Making New Year’s resolutions is a common practice for people all over the world, and you may very well be in the beginnings of your own resolutions. We salute you for attempting to make healthy changes in your life!

Our AFC Urgent Care Boulder team wants to help support your success in these resolutions, so read on to gain some insight and motivation.

Why Do So Many People Give Up Their Resolutions?

The vast majority of resolutions center around making healthier changes, which we always encourage! However, making significant lifestyle changes can be jarring and it can take a while to see those changes turn into the progress you want to see. Since certain goals like losing weight or quitting an addiction can take months or even years, many people start to lose the motivation to continue if they aren’t seeing results immediately.

This is why it is important to choose realistic, attainable goals! For example, if you are wanting to drop a few pounds, break your goal into smaller, more manageable steps. Try aiming for a few pounds each month or change up your goal to exercise more often instead and see where it takes you. Only having your large final number looming over your head can be intimidating and that can easily be the reason you give up so quickly.

Common Resolutions to Try

  • Quitting smoking
  • Losing weight/exercising more
  • Eating healthier
  • Drinking less alcohol
  • Reading more/finding new hobbies

How Can I Make My Goals More Positive?

The most common goals typically revolve around things like losing weight, quitting smoking or reducing sugar intake. All of these goals can sometimes put a negative spin on your motivation if you feel like you are having to give up so much in your life. Try spinning your mindset around to help create positive goals instead.

Instead of saying you want to lose weight or cut out sugar, try incorporating more fruits and veggies into your diet or vow to go for a walk every morning instead. These positive goals can make it more fun to stay on track without having to make drastic life changes right away. If you are hoping to quit smoking, try finding a new hobby that excites you that will keep you busy at the times that you normally smoke. Remember, all resolutions experience setbacks at times. You just have to work through the small failures and keep going in the pursuit of a healthier and happier life.

Setting SMART Goals

  • Specific: Define your goal with detail.
  • Measurable: Be sure you have a way to track your progress.
  • Attainable: Don’t set a goal that will be really hard to reach.
  • Relevant: Make sure your goal applies to your current lifestyle.
  • Time-bound: Set a timeline for yourself so you can stay on track.

We want you to live the healthiest life possible! AFC Urgent Care Boulder is here to care for you.