What Are the Different Kinds of Adenoviruses?

If you roll out of bed this morning feeling feverish and start developing a cough later in the morning, chances are that you are getting sick. It is really common to come down with any number of infections at this point in the year, even if it is inconvenient.

There are all kinds of infections that you could contract, with one category of infections being adenoviruses. You are probably familiar with this subset of viruses even if you aren’t familiar with the overarching name for them.

Our AFC Urgent Care Boulder team explains more about adenoviruses and what different illnesses are in this category, so read on to learn more.

What Are Adenoviruses?

Adenoviruses are a common group of viruses that can produce mild cold- or flu-like symptoms. Oftentimes they settle into your upper respiratory system and can give you a deep cough and runny nose. They can affect the lining of your eyes, your airways and even your digestive tract.

These viruses are incredibly contagious and can spread quickly through populations that live or work close together. This is why outbreaks of adenoviruses happen often at daycares, nursing homes, hospitals and in classrooms. They can spread through airborne droplets or by something simple like having your child pick up an infected toy and put it in their mouth.

Common Symptoms for Many Adenoviruses

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Diarrhea
  • Eye redness or irritation
  • Sore throat

Are Adenoviruses More Common in the Winter?

You can contract an adenovirus at any time in the year since they are always circulating. Some illnesses that are considered part of this grouping are bronchitis, croup, pneumonia and general colds. This is what makes them harder to identify at home because they can all start out with similar symptoms.

The best thing to do is to come see us at the onset of your symptoms. While the common cold will most likely not become a severe infection, bronchitis and pneumonia can quickly become more dangerous. A quick visit to our center can leave you with an accurate diagnosis and treatment options.

Signs of a Severe Adenovirus Infection

  • Trouble breathing
  • Swelling around the eyes
  • Fever that doesn’t go away or keeps coming back
  • Dehydration (fewer tears, less urine output)

Getting sick can happen at any time. Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Boulder for a quick visit.