What Is the Most Common Myth About the Flu Shot?
We are grateful that the flu shot has been around for over 50 years providing protection against influenza. Because it has been around for this long, there are bound to be misconceptions about it and what it actually does.
We want to make sure you have the most accurate information at the onset of this flu season so you can protect yourself and your family. Get all the facts regarding the flu shot from our staff at AFC Urgent Care Boulder below.
Is it Possible to Get the Flu From the Flu Shot?
You have probably heard friends or family claim that the flu shot gave them the flu, but that is just not possible. The flu shot contains deactivated flu virus, so it merely triggers an immune response in your body to form antibodies against the real virus. Since it is not bits of live virus, the flu shot does not cause the flu.
You can, however, experience some symptoms as your body forms its immune response. This includes feeling run down or achy for a day or so. There is also a small chance that you could come down with the flu while you are in the two week waiting window for your shot to fully take effect. In these cases, you would have gotten sick anyway.
Flu Symptoms to Watch For
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Body aches
If I Am Healthy, Do I Still Need the Flu Shot?
Yes! Even people who are otherwise healthy or avoid sickness often need protection from the flu. Just because you don’t normally get very sick, it doesn’t mean you are immune to serious illness. You could be surprised by a severe infection this year or at any point.
In addition to giving yourself an added layer of protection, you are also protecting the more vulnerable loved ones in your life. People who can’t get the flu shot, like those who are allergic to the ingredients or babies under 6 months, need your help to avoid the spread.
Serious Complications From the Flu
- Pneumonia
- Dehydration
- Ear or sinus infections
- Inflammation of the heart (myocarditis)
- Multi-organ failure
It’s not too late to get your flu shot this year! Come see us today at AFC Urgent Care Boulder.