Why Is Social Isolation Bad for You?

As human beings, it is natural to feel a wide range of emotions on a daily basis. Happiness, joy, sadness and anger are all common emotions in a typical day. Did you know that many adults actually experience feelings of loneliness on a daily basis, though?

In addition to loneliness being painful emotionally, it can also start to negatively affect your physical health over time.

Our AFC Urgent Care Boulder team explains how to combat feelings of loneliness below, so read on to learn more.

Why Do We Feel Lonely?

Feelings of loneliness can occur due to a variety of reasons. The death of a spouse, separation from friends or family or a loss of mobility due to an injury or illness can all cause intense feelings of loneliness as you lose contact with those around you.

Occasional loneliness can easily be remedied with a phone call home, meeting up with an old friend or practicing some self-care with someone you care about. However, if you experience these feelings for a long time, it can start to wear on your mental health and cause physical symptoms to manifest.

Health Risks Associated With Loneliness

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Obesity
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Depression

Why Is Feeling Lonely Bad for Me?

As humans, we naturally aren’t meant to be alone. We need connection and community in order to feel fulfilled in our lives. Without it, it can cause depression or other mental health conditions to occur. Over time, your mental health struggles can impact your ability to eat well, exercise and take care of your body.

When you get older, the chances that you experience feelings of loneliness increases, so it is important that you prioritize building strong relationships with your loved ones throughout your life. Having even just one quality friendship can help you avoid feelings of loneliness.

Ways to Cope With Loneliness

  • Volunteer with an organization.
  • Find a walking buddy.
  • Attend a local club or community event.
  • Adopt a pet.
  • Utilize therapy.

Remember that you are never alone. We are always here for you at AFC Urgent Care Boulder.