What Does a Sore Throat Mean?

A sore throat is a very common symptom that can appear alongside viral and bacterial infections. It can also be a symptom caused by something simple like allergies and even just sleeping with your mouth open!

If you wake up with a sore throat or develop one during the day, drink some water and change up your environment. If that doesn’t help with your symptoms, you might be coming down with an infection.

Our AFC Urgent Care Boulder team explains the different illnesses associated with a sore throat below, so check it out.

What Is the Cause of a Sore Throat?

If you have an infection, a sore throat is a common symptom. In addition to the pain, it can cause your throat to feel scratchy and raw and can even make it hard to swallow food, drinks and your own saliva.

The duration of a sore throat can vary drastically because it depends on what exactly you are suffering from! If you have just a minor cold, you can expect to feel better in a few days. If you have strep throat, symptoms can last up to a week or longer. In cases of strep, you might need a round of antibiotics in order to completely overcome your infection.

Common Illnesses That Produce Sore Throats

  • Common cold
  • Strep throat
  • Flu
  • Tonsillitis

How Can I Know if It Is Strep?

It can be hard to diagnose yourself, especially when you aren’t feeling your best. The best way to decipher what you are suffering from is to come see us! We can do a full evaluation and take a look at the back of your throat.

We are often looking for swollen tonsils and lymph nodes, and white patches at the back of your throat. A rapid test, with results in minutes, can confirm a strep throat diagnosis. A strep infection also often causes a fever and sore throat, but doesn’t produce a cough. In any case, come see us! We can help diagnose and treat you, and we can determine if a round of antibiotics are necessary.

Helping a Sore Throat

  • Plenty of fluids
  • OTC pain medication
  • Rest
  • Gargling with warm salt water

Is a sore throat bothering you? Stop by AFC Urgent Care Boulder any day of the week.