Our bones are part of our bodies that we (usually) never see, but they serve an essential function in our lives. In addition to providing our bodies with structure, they help by protecting our organs and support our body movement. As we age, our bones become more vulnerable to fractures if we don’t take care of them. It is important to start building strong bones in childhood and prioritizing supporting their health as you get older. Read on →

A sore throat is a very common symptom that can appear alongside viral and bacterial infections. It can also be a symptom caused by something simple like allergies and even just sleeping with your mouth open! If you wake up with a sore throat or develop one during the day, drink some water and change up your environment. If that doesn’t help with your symptoms, you might be coming down with an infection. Read on →

Yes! Smoking hurts your health in many ways. We are sure that you have heard this before, but smoking greatly increases your risk of serious diseases and other long-term health struggles. Every time you smoke, you are introducing thousands of chemicals into your body. Giving up the habit is one of the best things you can do for yourself, and it can actually make those around you healthier, too. Our AFC Urgent Care Boulder team explains the additional benefits of giving up tobacco below, so check it out. Read on →

If you are an athlete or consider yourself an active person, experiencing an injury while exercising is always a possibility. While regular exercise is crucial for an overall healthy lifestyle, we hope you never do get hurt! Minor injuries like strains or sprains are common and have a shorter recovery time compared to painful injuries like stress fractures. If you are experiencing pain while exercising, stop what you are doing and come see us right away. Read on →

Experiencing pain anywhere in your body can be an indication that something is not quite right. While minor aches and pains are a part of daily life, more severe or persistent pain can be an indication of a more serious issue. While abdominal pain can be attributed to many different things, one serious condition it could be related to is pancreatitis. If your pancreas becomes inflamed due to some sort of external irritant, it can cause significant pain for you. Read on →

Influenza is here, and it is widespread all over the state at this point. Because of this, it is important to understand the symptoms associated with the flu and how to treat it if you do get sick! If you haven’t yet, get your annual flu shot to help reduce your risk of even getting sick. This year’s flu shot is a good match for the influenza strains this season. Read on →

Now that the winter season is upon us, we are experiencing colder temperatures and less daily sunlight overall. This can prove to be troublesome when it comes to getting your daily vitamin D intake! Adequate vitamin D is crucial to your overall health and can help support healthy bones and a reduce your risk of developing certain diseases. Our AFC Urgent Care Boulder team explains some great ways to support a healthy level of vitamin D during the winter below. Read on →

We are grateful that the flu shot has been around for over 50 years providing protection against influenza. Because it has been around for this long, there are bound to be misconceptions about it and what it actually does. We want to make sure you have the most accurate information at the onset of this flu season so you can protect yourself and your family. Get all the facts regarding the flu shot from our staff at AFC Urgent Care Boulder below. Read on →

Getting your child to sleep can sometimes feel like a marathon! But what if you start to hear snoring? Does that indicate an issue that needs to be addressed? Snoring happens in one in 10 children, so while it isn’t incredibly common, it does still happen. The sound of snoring doesn’t necessarily require an immediate wakeup, but it is important to keep an eye on it as it may indicate an emerging sleep disorder. Read on →

In a world surrounded by screens, technology and instant entertainment at your fingertips, it can be really easy to spend the majority of your day staring at a computer or phone. Just like excessive tobacco and alcohol use, though, screens can also become addictive over time and can start to impact your physical and mental health. Read on as our AFC Urgent Care Boulder team explains why excessive screen time is bad for your overall health. Read on →